
Autonomic's Quest for Quality - We Need You

Feb 13th 2023

We are thrilled to have reestablished our status as an independent manufacturer and are working hard to rekindle our connections with former customers and partners and create new ones within the industry. Despite the difficulties posed by the global pandemic, our team persevered and achieved several important milestones in 2022 that we hope have positively impacted your business. Our key achievements include:

  • A strong and reliable supply chain, ensuring all products are readily available for shipment within 24 to 48 hours through our direct and distributor channels.
  • Continued support for our A Series MMS/SMS units, maximizing the lifespan of our legacy hardware.
  • An eco-friendly trade-in program that enables your customers to upgrade to new features while responsibly disposing of older units and providing additional benefits to dealers.
  • An overall customer satisfaction rate of 98% from dealers who have interacted with our technical support team.
  • The launch of the Advanced Music Bridge (AMB-1), which adds next-generation features and extends the life of existing eSeries units.
  • Improved control system drivers that offer new features while reducing programming time.
  • Refreshed dealer programs that reward loyalty with increased profit margins.
  • A revitalized social media presence to reach and engage with our audience.

As we move forward into 2023, we are eager to share our continued passion and innovations with you. We greatly appreciate your support and trust in our brand and solutions and kindly ask for your vote in the Quest for Quality Awards to help put us back on the map. Thank you for your continued support.  

Cast your vote here (voting closes February 24th, 2023) and learn more about the awards from CEPro here.